Saturday, July 11, 2009

i'm woody and you're buzz

i don't know the meaning of your gaze.
don't you realize that i'm realize you keep looking at me.
no,i' don't have any word to think and i don't wanna know the reason from you.
at the first time we met you seem so fragile you know.
i'm afraid that you'll hurt or something.
but on the other day i know you're so strong enough and you know what,you're so stubborn.
your gaze is make me thinking 'is there something wrong with me?'
i hope that the answer is 'no' and the right situation is 'there is something wrong with you..not me'
we are different you know.
i'm woody,the old toy that seems so strong,but the fact is i'm fragile.
and you're buzz.
buzz lightyear.
the new toy that can fly high
through infinty and beyond


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